Donations &

donor advised funds

There are many ways to give…

It is all about community for us.  Big and small, rich and poor, living in the big city, on the southern coast, in the Lakes Regions, Down East or up in the County, we are stronger together.  Stronger still when we look after one another!  What does that mean?  Well, it means giving when you can – of your time, your talents or your treasure.  

At the Foundation, we recognize that GIVING is a very personal decision and everyone’s ability or capacity to GIVE fluctuates over time.  The rewards are often times immeasurable.  As you contemplate and plan your GIVING strategy know the Foundation is here to help.

One-time donations
Keep it simple, just send a check or even simpler, donate online
Click Here to Make an Online Donation
Recurring Donations
Give a little or a lot all year long - monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually - automatically recurring donations via credit card or debit card. Sign up once and keep on giving
Click Here
Donor Advised Funds
Make one large donation now and we will work with you to establish a strategy tailored to supporting future giving in areas you wish to support.
Contact our Executive Director
Planned Giving
Put a plan in place to leave a gift to the Foundation after you have passed away
Contact our Executive Director

Gifts to the Foundation can take many forms – cash, stocks, real property – and while we welcome your support for one or all of our programs, there are so many more options for giving and making a difference in your community.  Whether you are an individual, a family, business owner or group [a perfect example here would be a Masonic Lodge] if you are looking for ways to be more philanthropic, the Foundation can help.

The Foundation currently manages over  25 Donor Advised funds – providing for scholarships, local annual philanthropy determined by Lodges, help with medical expenses and funding for youth group activities in Maine.  You can trust the Foundation to manage your donation and adhere to the guidelines of your giving strategy – which can be as simple as supporting one specific cause, such as providing scholarships for future students in Maine, or a helping hand to families in need or protecting our environment; or it can be multi-layered.  A Donor Advised fund allows you to give in a meaningful way, be effective and let us do the work for you, and for generations to come.

Every donation made to the Foundation can be directed to any one or all of our programs.  Gifts to our General Fund allow us to use the funds where and when they are needed most.  

For recurring gifts, the amount can be changed or discontinued at any time, all you need to do is contact us at (207) 843-1086 or email  Please note that monthly donations will be processed on or just after the first of each month.

If you would like to give a gift of stock, real property or include the Foundation in your estate planning, or have questions regarding other ways to make a contribution to the Foundation, please contact us at (207) 843-1086 or email us at

For more information visit our PLANNED GIVING page.

The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation is a nonprofit public charity designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Our tax ID is 22-3211042.