Maine Masonic
Education Programs
Masons have championed many great causes throughout history, but perhaps none as far-reaching, or as personal, as public education. Since the early days of our great country Masons have been advocates for quality, accessible education. Horace Mann (1796-1859), known as the “Father of the Common School Movement,” was a Freemason, and Masonic Lodges all over the country still consider school initiatives a top priority.
Today, Maine Masons continue to support schools through relevant, impactful programs that reach nearly every part of the state. The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation has a special focus on childhood literacy and social/emotional learning programs (SEL). We work with the state Department of Education to identify strong programs that meet the needs of Maine’s children.
The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Maine chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), beginning in the Fall of 2018. For more information, please click here.
For further information please contact the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation’s Executive Director, Susan Scacchi, by email, by phone at 207-843-1086, or by contacting us here.