November 6, 2021 – Talent 101: You’re Showing Up, But Are Your Talents?

This course will be a prerequisite for the upcoming Talent 201 which will be scheduled for January 2022.  This is the last time this 101 course will be offered before the January class.

“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and

endowed with the seeds of greatness.”   Zig Ziglar

In this highly interactive class, participants will be introduced to the rich resource and diversity of talents within themselves and within those around them. They will learn that it is through the application of these talents, individually and as teams, that we ultimately create accomplishments.

After a brief discussion on societal myths and misconceptions around talent, participants will be introduced to a language that will allow for greater awareness around and leveraging of their own talents to successfully create outcomes. Course material will distinguish between talent, knowledge and skill emphasizing properties of each – such as acquisition and potential obsolescence.

The course will finish with several small group breakout sessions to illustrate the diversity of talent and demonstrate that differences in how we think, feel and behave can be productively combined creating advantages for individual and team growth.

Instructor: Malcolm Macdougall

Location: Virtual

Topic: MMC Talent 101: You’re Showing Up – But Are Your Talents

Time: Nov 6, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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