Planned Giving
You can leave a legacy bequest to the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation when creating your will, or have your attorney add a codicil to your existing will. A “bequest” is a gift of personal property other than land, a “devise” is a gift of real property, such as a house, and a “legacy” is also a gift of personal property and more widely used to cover all types of gifts including property, personal items and cash.
There are several different approaches to giving, such as specifying a fixed dollar amount or a designation of residuary estate, which leaves that portion of assets after all gifts are bequeathed and debts paid.
We are happy to provide you with some sample bequest language.
Sample bequest language for an unrestricted gift:
I give _______[the sum, percentage, or description of property] to the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation, to be used for its general tax-exempt purposes, but without other restriction as to use.
Sample bequest language for a restricted gift (please contact the Foundation for giving options):
I give ______[the sum, percentage, or description of property] to the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation, to be used to support ________.
If you would like to include a gift in your estate plans without changing your will, consider making the Foundation the beneficiary of one of these:
- A life insurance policy
- Your IRA or other retirement plan
- A savings account
- A stock brokerage account or mutual fund
Simply get in touch with your bank, insurance agent or IRA administrator and ask for a change of beneficiary form (which may be available online).
Please contact Susan Scacchi at for more information on wills and bequests.
The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation is a nonprofit public charity designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Our tax ID is 22-3211042.