As one can readily see from the expressions on the faces of these proud new bike owners, Marsh River Lodge’s 2013 Bikes for Books Program was a huge success. 68 boys and girls from pre-school through fifth grade participated.
As Lodge Secretary Greg Parks explains, “When we approached Morse Memorial School in Brooks the principal and staff were so excited it was easy getting them on board.” As soon as the bikes arrived the lodge took a girl’s bike and a boy’s bike to display at school along with a B4B Banner and poster board. The students have a reading program they were tracking on the wall of the gym and every teacher reported that reading skills and interest steadily went up after the program was introduced. Each winner received a helmet and bright tee shirt along with the bike.
For 2014 the lodge will expand the program to include Monroe Elementary School. Plans are to provide 14 bikes at each school. Brother Parks says the program is so rewarding, “I can’t explain it. If it wasn’t for this program some of those children may not ever get a bike.”