For Instructors
It is the goal of the Maine Masonic College that all programs of instruction give attendees an optimal learning experience. To that end, we want to do everything we can to assist our instructors, making their activity enjoyable and fulfilling.
Whether you’ve a school teacher, a college professor, learned the art and science of instructing in the military, design training materials, have a graduate degree in education, or have never taught a class in your life, we want to assist you in any way we can. Just let us know how we can help.
Some of our instructors are ‘naturals’ while for others, it’s a nail-biting experience from start to finish. For most, it’s somewhere in between. Regardless of where you are, we encourage you to get involved.
We do offer a small honorarium and will pay for some travel expenses. These will be discussed with you as initial course arrangements are made.
We also have a large manual of materials which will assist a beginning instructor help understand the nature of teaching and provide guidance and examples. This manual is currently under revision and will be placed in an electronic format available to our instructors upon request. A limited number of paper copies remain available during this process.
Maine Masonic College Course Proposal Guide and Proposal Submission Form
Maine Masonic College Expense Reimbursement Form
Instructors Guide (Currently under revision)
This page last updated on Monday, June 30, 2014