

June 8th, 2024 – EA Degree Course


Location: Phillips Library in Phillips Maine
Time: 10:00am
Instructor: RW Donald McDougal & Brian Ellis

Note: Coffee & Donuts will be provided before and lunch will be provided after.

The Entered Apprentice Course will explore the origins of our Modern (Grand Lodge of Maine) Entered Apprentice Degree. The earliest example will be from the year 868 in a Kentish Charter – the Old English word  “yfesdrype”. The next case would be from the Great July 1212 London Fire which spread with terrifying ferocity, consuming a cathedral, destroying streets and reaching London Bridge before jumping to the north side of the Thames. In that fire up to 3000 people were reported to have lost their lives. It led to the banning of “reeds or rushes nor any kind of straw nor thatch’” as roof coverings and requiring clay tiles, plaster, or some other non-flammable material. The Peasant revolt of 1381, led to the question of the candidate’s Social Class before his being allowed into the lodge room. Fear of the evil eye and misunderstanding of how vision works plays a large role in the “dress” of the candidate.  All Medieval Guilds had Entrance Ceremonies and we will consider two very common professions in all areas – the Millers and the Horsemen whose ceremony was said to come from the Millers ritual. The dry stone masons will be considered.

In this degree we enter the world of symbolism and explore how knowledge came from the East and spread to the West.  The trade routes not only brought imported wares from Asia but they also catered to the western desire for Eastern knowledge.

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable) and if you plan to attend lunch.

December 10, 2022 – Symbols, Who Needs Them

Location: David A. Hooper Lodge #201 – Sullivan
Time: 9:00am
Instructor: Eric Kuntz

Note: Coffee & Donuts will be provided before and lunch will be provided after.

This course will help establish a foundation of understanding for several Maine Masonic College courses dealing with Masonic and other forms of symbolism, allegory, myth and philosophical expressions of belief. It was developed from a psychological and practical perspective which examines the use of dynamic roles of symbols as instruments of understanding and vehicles of exploration both in our personal lives and in our mutual and significant inter-relationships with others.

The lecture portion of this course explores the use of certain symbols of the Masonic degree experience. Participants will be divided into groups and given practical; exercises in which to explore the significance and efficacy of symbols in the process of developing individual and group insights  in their encounter with human situations and in their search for greater understanding. This is a practical applications course and is critical for mentors of any organization in which symbolism plays and important role.

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable) and if you plan to attend lunch.


November 5, 2022 – Critical Thinking

Location: Meridian Splendor Lodge #49 – Newport, Maine
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Instructors: Don McDougal & George Macdougall

Clear thinking is desperately needed in every aspect of today’s world. This course looks at critical thinking and how this skill set should be incorporated into our daily work life. The topic is explored in detail using short class exercises and discussions to dig into the operational side of thinking critically. The class challenges participants to exercise judgments and to abandon patterns of faulty reasoning in favor of asking a few more question in the elusive search for truth.   

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable).

October 8, 2022 – Music, the 6th Liberal Art

Location: Messalonskee Lodge #113 – Oakland

Time: 9:00 – 12:00pm

Instructor: Philip Amidon

NOTE – Lunch will be provided for this class

As I travel around, I notice a gaping hole in a great many lodges… Old pipe organ, piano and melodeon are present, but are unplayed, untuned and broken down. None of the brothers join in rejoiceful singing. There is no music to intensify and decorate the ancient symbolic rituals. This was not the case in former times, and I would like to do what I can to bring music back into the temples of Freemasonry. Live music with singing would significantly enhance and enrich our time together as brothers. 

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable) and if you plan to attend lunch.

October 1, 2022 – Convocation: The Virtues: Building Blocks for our Masonic Degree Systems, for the Developing of the  Individual, and for Building Society at large

The Virtues: Building Blocks for our Masonic Degree Systems, for the Developing of the  Individual, and for Building Society at large
Where: Bangor Anah Shrine
When: 9am – 3pm
Note: Coffee & Donuts will be provided and lunch in the afternoon
Introductions by: Past Grand Master Claire Tusch
Opening Speech:
Grand Master Dan Bartlett

Shawn Eyer – Director of Education and Special Projects at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, and a researcher who has published numerous articles about Masonic literature, history and symbolism.

Jeff Simonton – Master Mason of Federal Lodge #6 and Triangle Lodge #1. Received the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC. In 2013, was crowned an Active Member of the Supreme Council AASR for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the USA. In 2019, he became the Deputy for the State of Maine AASR.

Eric Kuntz – A member of the Board of Regents for the Maine Masonic College and is a past Master of the Maine Lodge of Research. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Life member of the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He has been active in the Blue Lodge and York Rite, serving as Past District Deputy and Past Grand Principal Sojourner. He has lectured on the importance of symbolism in freemasonry and human development. 

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable)

September 10, 2022 – Military Lodges and Their History

Location: Triangle Lodge #1 – Portland Maine
Time: 2:00pm
Instructors: Brian Ellis & Derrick Gittleman

This class will explore the possible connections between Masonry and the Military. We will discuss the core values that go along with the branches of the armed forces and the bodies of freemasonry. We will dive into the history of “military lodges” as to how they were formed, why they were created, and the different lodges that were created.

We will have the pleasure of conducting the class right after the Chili Cookoff hosted by Triangle Lodge #1 in Portland. SOO bring your appetite for food AND knowledge as this should be a wonderful day!!

Please pre-register for this event by emailing with your name, Lodge/Jurisdiction (if applicable).