Saturday, January 11th, 2025 – Virtual Course – Is Harry Potter a Master Mason?
Where: Virtual – Zoom Link
Time: 10am
Instructor: Guest Speaker – Walter Benesch
Symbolically Masonry can be found in many of the great pieces of literature and movies, from War and Peace to National Treasure. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books are filled with Masonic symbolism. The talk will explore her use of both alchemy and Masonry symbolism which she has admitted were two of her major inspirations for the books. Each of the books is explored for Masonic symbolism as the three heroes, Ron, Hermonie and Harry progress through their years at Hogwarts. The great question: “Is Harry Potter a Mason?” will be answered in terms of what he experiences
December 21st, 2024 – Virtual Course – Freemasonry In India
Where: Virtual –
Passcode: 864583
Time: 10am EST
Speaker: Rinesh Hedge
Topic of Discussion: How and when Freemasonry began in India, the history of the organization in my country, its connection to older Indian customs and philosophy, the founding of the Grand Lodge of India, and the current state of Freemasonry in India.
November 9th, 2024 – Music, the Sixth Liberal Art
Location: Bethlehem Lodge #35, Augusta Maine
Time: 8am – 12pm with refreshments served by Eastern Star
Instructor: Bro. Phil Amidon, MD
Please join the Maine Masonic College for our “Music, the Sixth Liberal Art” course.
Music, the 6 th Liberal Art
I. Ascending the Winding Staircase ( Up to the 7 Liberal Arts )
II. An Introduction to Pythagoras ( The Father of Music )
III. The 12 Building Blocks of Music
IV. The Physics of Music (Oscillator, Resonator, Voice, Lyre, Violin)
V. Music Found as we Travel East ( Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Far East )
VI. Quiz: Violin of Fiddle?
VII. Masons Who Were Also Famous Musicians
VIII. Music in American History
IX. The Anatomy of Music (The Hieroglyphics of Music Notation)
X. Music Education ( “Making a Good Man Better” )
XI. Violin Recital ( Examples of the various types of music: classical, hymn, minuet,
schottische, pibroch, lamentation, waltz, quadrille, jig, reel, march, sea chanty and
work song )
October 19th, 2024 – The Four Cardinal Virtues
Location: Oriental Lodge #13, 166 Harrison Road, Bridgton Maine
Time: 9:30 am
Instructors: Brian Ellis and Carlo Di Celico
Our first Grand Master King Solomon was considered the wealthiest man of his time, having amassed 18,125 kg of gold in a single year according to 1 Kings 10:14, at a value of $1.6 billion, by today’s standard. Add to that all of the other precious gems and metals that he undoubtedly collected, and you can see how he achieved that distinction. Despite that, there was something that he valued more than his wealth. Knowledge. We read in the VSL the words of King Solomon at Proverbs 20:15, “There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.”
As Master Masons, we’ve sought the secrets that allow us to travel to foreign lands and obtain the wages of a Master Mason. That knowledge provides us with something greater than material wealth. With that in mind, an opportunity to increase your wealth of knowledge has been arranged. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion of the material being presented. Come with a willingness to learn and participate.
There will be coffee and light refreshments available beforehand.
October 12th, 2024 – Annual Convocation “Finding Meaning”
Location: Bangor Masonic Center
Time: 9am with coffee prior
Lunch Provided as well
Instructors: Two virtual guest speakers; Lloyd Capilit from the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction and JB McNaughton from the Scottish Rite Northern Jurisdiction and two in person guest speakers Lewie Manter from York Rite & Appendant Bodies and Brian Ellis speaking as a member of Blue Lodge.
If you cannot attend in person, please attend virtually using this link.
August 17th, 2024 – Masonic Fashion Course
Location: Columbia-Doric Lodge #149, Greenville
Time: 7pm to 9pm with dinner served at 6pm
Instructor: Guest speaker JA Shapira from Winnipeg Canada
The course stems from his interest when becoming a Mason about when/why members are wearing certain outfits and the history of this. One ritual that is often being overlooked is the ritual of getting dressed for lodge, forgetting why we started dressing in tuxedos and why – so that we were all on the same level. Doesn’t matter the brand, material, the tuxedos will look the same and show they are all meeting on the level. With the talk of Masonic Dress, it discusses the details and why it is important and a matter of edict and importance, not a matter of showing off. The course talks about how to come up with the items needed to have that dress, that tuxedos or tail coat for a better price than a pricier option.